University of Wales Aberystwyth

Directory : Gender, Ethnicity :: Social and Personal Identity


Budwig, Nancy (nd) 'Language and the Construction of Self: Developmental Reflections' [link added 02/12/2001]

Bühler-Ilieva, Evelina (1997) '"Can Anyone Tell Me How to Join": Zur Identitätskonstruktion im Cyberspace' (in German) [link added 13/11/1998]

Carleton, Peter (nd) 'Metaphors of the Self' [link added 02/12/2000]

Chandler, Daniel (1998) 'Personal Home Pages and the Construction of Identities on the Web' [link added 18/08/1998]

Chandler, Daniel and Dilwyn Roberts-Young (1998) 'The Construction of Identity in the Personal Homepages of Adolescents' [link added 02/12/1998]

Davies, Bronwyn and Rom Harré (nd) 'Positioning: The Discursive Production of Selves' [link added 02/12/2000]

Donath, Judith S (1996) 'Identity and Deception in the Virtual Community' [link added 02/12/2000]

Finn, Robert (1996) 'The Purposes Served by Researchers Home Pages on the Web' [link added 02/12/1996]

Gallagher, Shaun (1996) 'Research Sources on Concepts of Person and Self' [link added 14/07/1997]

Gergen, Kenneth J (nd) 'The Ordinary, the Original and the Believable in Psychology’s Construction of the Person' [link added 02/12/1999]

Griffiths, Alison (1994) 'Television and Welsh Identity - An Ethnographic Study' (Continuum) [link added 02/12/1998]

Hamley, Katherine (2001) 'Media Use in Identity Construction' [link added 28/05/2001]

Jaffe, J Michael et al. (1995) 'Gender, Pseudonyms, and CMC: Masking Identities and Baring Souls' [link added 02/12/1999]

Lawley, Elizabeth Lane (1994) 'The Sociology of Culture in Computer-Mediated Communication' [link added 02/12/1998]

Lock, Andy (nd) 'A Framework for Understanding Selves' [link added 02/12/1999]

Marks, G (nd) 'Cyberspace and Issues of Identity' [link added 02/12/1999]

Miller, Hugh (1995) 'The Presentation of Self in Electronic Life: Goffman on the Internet' [link added 02/12/1999]

Miller, Hugh and Russell Mather (1998) 'The Presentation of Self in WWW Home Pages' [link added 09/11/1998]

Nelson-Kilger, Max (1993) 'The Digital Individual' [link added 02/12/1999]

Pinkus, Jenny (1996) 'Subject Positions and Positioning' [link added 02/12/2001]

Powell, John A (nd) 'The Multiple Self: Exploring Between and Beyond Modernity and Postmodernity' [link added 17/03/1999]

Reymers, Kurt (1998) 'Identity and the Internet: A Symbolic Interactionist Perspective on Computer-Mediated Social Networks' [link added 13/05/1998]

Rheingold, Howard (1993) 'Multi-User Dungeons and Alternate Identities' [link added 02/12/2002]

Shotter, John (1997) 'The Social Construction of Our Inner Lives' [link added 25/11/1997]

Spittle, Steve (1997) 'Is Any Body Out There? Gender, Subjectivity and Identity in Cyberspace' [link added 15/12/1997]

Turkle, Sherry (nd) 'Life on the Screen' [link added 02/12/2001]


Lesbian and Gay Identity: A Bibliography [link added 11/11/1997]

Bibliography of Identity Politics [link added 18/05/1998]

Other Links

Identity and Media Culture (David Gauntlett, University of Leeds)

Construction of Identity on Home Pages

Recommended Reading

Hall, Stuart & Paul du Gay (Eds.) (1996) : Questions of Cultural Identity. Newbury Park: Sage

Liebes, Tamar & James Curran (Eds.) (1998) : Media, Ritual and Identity. London: Routledge

Richards, Jeffrey (1997) : Films and British National Identity. Manchester: Manchester University Press

Stone, Allucquere Rosanne (1996) : The War of Desire and Technology at the Close of the Mechanical Age. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press

Turkle, Sherry (1997) : Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet. London: Phoenix

Woodward, Kathryn (1997) : Identity and Difference. Newbury Park: Sage