University of Wales Aberystwyth

Directory : IT & Telecoms :: Identity and the Internet


Agre, Phil (1994) 'Net Presence' (Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine) [link added 17/12/1999]

Baym, Nancy T (nd) 'The Performance of Humor in CMC' (Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication) [link added 17/12/1999]

Bruckman, Amy (1992) 'Identity Workshop: Emergent Social and Psychological Phenomena in Text-Based Virtual Reality' [link added 17/03/1999]

Bühler-Ilieva, Evelina (1997) '"Can Anyone Tell Me How to Join": Zur Identitätskonstruktion im Cyberspace' (in German) [link added 13/11/1998]

Chandler, Daniel (1998) 'Personal Home Pages and the Construction of Identities on the Web' [link added 18/08/1998]

Fraiberg, Allison (nd) 'Electronic Fans, Interpretive Flames: Performative Sexualities and the Internet' [link added 17/03/1999]

Ito, Mimi (1993) 'Cybernetic Fantasies: Extended Selfhood in a Virtual Community' [link added 17/03/1999]

Jones, Dylan (2004) 'Comparing and Contrasting Two Major Websites' [link added 23/06/2004]

Marks, G (nd) 'Cyberspace and Issues of Identity' [link added 18/12/2000]

Miller, Hugh & Russell Mather (1998) 'The Presentation of Self in WWW Home Pages' [link added 09/11/1998]

Peace, Mark (nd) '[#Dissertation]: A Chatroom Ethnography' [link added 22/05/2000]

Reymers, Kurt (1998) 'Identity and the Internet: A Symbolic Interactionist Perspective on Computer-Mediated Social Networks' [link added 13/05/1998]

Rheingold, Howard (1993) 'Multi-User Dungeons and Alternate Identities' (from The Virtual Community) [link added 18/12/2000]

Rubio, Steven (nd) 'Home Page' (Bad Subjects) [link added 18/12/2000]

Spittle, Steve (1997) 'Is Any Body Out There? Gender, Subjectivity and Identity in Cyberspace' [link added 15/12/1997]

Strangelove, Michael (1994) 'The Internet, Electric Gaia and the Rise of the Uncensored Self' [link added 17/03/1999]

Wynn, Eleanor & James E Katz (nd) 'Hyperbole over Cyberspace: Self-Presentation & Social Boundaries in Internet Home Pages and Discourse' (The Information Society) [link added 17/03/1999]

Other Links

Gender and Race in Cyberspace: Links

Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine: Gender Issue, March 1996

Home Pages by Personality Types

Home Page Directories

Construction of Identity on Home Pages

Roache, Sarah (2005) 'Comparing and Contrasting Two Major Websites' [link added 09/02/2005]

Recommended Reading

Stone, Allucquere Rosanne (1996) : The War of Desire and Technology at the Close of the Mechanical Age. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press

Turkle, Sherry (1997) : Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet. London: Phoenix