University of Wales Aberystwyth

Directory : Media Education :: Media Literacy


Anon. (1999) 'Medienpädagogische Konzepte im Internationalen Vergleich' (Media Education: An International Comparison) [link added 04/07/1997]

BFI (2003) 'Making Movies Matter: How the moving image can become part of literacy in the 21st century' (BFI Report) (Requires Adobe Acrobat) [link added 08/09/1999]

Bazalgette, Cary (1991) 'Media Analysis Toolbox' [link added 07/01/2000]

Chanan, Michael (1997) 'Politics and Philosophy of Aesthetic Education' [link added 22/05/2000]

Gauntlett, David (1995) ‘Full of Very Different People All Mixed Up Together’: Understanding Community and Environment Through the Classroom Video Project' [link added 07/12/1998]

Hanes, Philip J (2000) 'The Advantages and Limitations of a Focus on Audience in Media Studies' [link added 30/05/2000]

Howard, Rebecca (1998) 'What Value Is There In Studying Advertisements?' [link added 04/05/1998]

Ingham, Helen (1997) 'What Value Is There In Studying Advertisements?' [link added 05/01/2001]

Jones, Lucy (2000) 'A Critical Review of Media Studies Advocacy and Its Underlying Assumptions and Agendas' [link added 25/05/2000]

Luke, Carmen (1997) 'Technological Literacy' [link added 11/12/1998]

Owen, Sharon (1998) 'What Value Is There In Studying Advertisements?' [link added 16/10/1998]

Tella, Seppo (1998) 'The Concept of Media Education Revisited: From a Classificatory Analysis to a Rhizomatic Overview' [link added 07/12/1998]

Tella, Seppo (1997) 'Media and Man - On Whose Terms? Aspects of Media Education' [link added 13/11/1998]

Tella, Seppo (1995) 'Components of Media Communication Education' [link added 13/11/1998]


Canadian Association for Media Education [link added 30/03/1999]

Jesuit Communication Project, Toronto [link added 10/05/2000]

Media Education Wales [link added 01/06/1999]

Media Awareness Network (Canada) [link added 10/05/2000]

Media Literacy On-line Project (College of Education, University of Oregon) [link added 01/06/1999]

English and Media Centre, London [link added 05/03/2001]

Other Links

'Emerging Literacies in the Digital Age: Constructing a Working Model of "Multiple Literacies" for Education': L Swanson (Links)

Global Express (A site for teachers on world events in the news)

Media Semiotics at UWA

In the Picture (Media Education Magazine)

Assessment in Media Education: Chris M Worsnop, Canada

Communication, Cultural and Media Studies Infobase: Mick Underwood


Peter Clayton no no no [link added 27/11/2004] no no no [link added 27/11/2004]

Recommended Reading

Alvarado, Manuel, Robin Gutch & Tana Wollen (1987) : Learning the Media: An Introduction to Media Teaching. London: Macmillan

Berger, Arthur Asa (1982) : Media Analysis Techniques. Newbury Park, CA: Sage

Geraghty, Christine & David Lusted (1997) : The Television Studies Book. London: Arnold

Hart, Andrew (1991) : Understanding the Media: A Practical Guide. London: Routledge

Kress, Gunther & Theo van Leeuwen (1996) : Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design. London: Routledge

Masterman, Len (1985) : Teaching the Media. London: Comedia

Messaris, Paul (1994) : Visual 'Literacy': Image, Mind and Reality. Boulder, CO: Westview Press

O Sullivan, Tim, Brian Dutton & Philip Rayner (1994) : Studying the Media. London: Edward Arnold

O Sullivan, Tim, John Hartley, Danny Saunders & John Fiske (1994) : Key Concepts in Communication and Cultural Studies (2nd edn.). London: Routledge

Selby, Keith & Ron Cowdery (1995) : How to Study Television. London: Macmillan

Teaching Resources

Media Literacy Teaching Kits [link added 05/03/2001]

Curricular Resources in Media Studies and Literacy [link added 05/03/2001]