University of Wales Aberystwyth

Directory : TV & Radio :: TV Soap Operas


Baym, Nancy T (nd) 'The Performance of Humor in Computer-Mediated Communication' (Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication) (Humour in the TV Soaps Newsgroup [link added 13/01/2002]

Brown, Mary Ellen & Linda Barwick (1987) 'Soap Opera and Women's Culture' (Continuum) [link added 13/01/2002]

Buckingham, David (1997) 'The 'EastEnders' Audience' [link added 13/01/2002]

Chandler, Daniel (1997) 'Notes on The Elihu Katz & Tamar Liebes Cross-Cultural Viewing Studies of Dallas' [link added 13/01/1999]

Chandler, Daniel (1994) 'The TV Soap Opera Genre and its Viewers' [link added 13/01/2000]

Griffiths, Merris (1996) 'Why are Soap Operas so Popular?' [link added 13/01/2002]

Hastie, Nicki (1994) '"You Never See Lesbians": Reading "lesbian" through Channel 4 TV's Brookside' [link added 18/04/2000]

Lewis, Paula (1996) 'Why are Soap Operas so Popular?' [link added 13/01/2002]

Livingstone, Sonia (1997) 'What Makes Viewers Diverge When Interpreting Narrative?' (A Study of Coronation Street) [link added 13/01/2002]

Prescott, Anna (1998) 'Male Viewers of Soap Operas' [link added 20/05/1998]

Richards, Sarah (1996) 'Why are Soap Operas so Popular?' [link added 13/01/2002]

Robson, Helen (1996) 'Why are Soap Operas so Popular?' [link added 13/01/2002]

Saffhill, Louise (2001) 'Adolescent Soap Opera Viewers' [link added 19/06/2001]

Underwood, Mick (2000) 'Ien Ang on Dallas' [link added 23/11/1998]

Underwood, Mick (2000) 'Katz and Liebes' Research on Television Viewers' [link added 23/11/1998]

Other Links

Soap Opera Links Around the World

EastEnders Official Home Page

Outline and illustrate the various 'uses and gratifications' offered by soap operas. What are the limitations of this particular theoretical approach in relation to this topic? (Assignment Reading List)

Research into soap opera viewers has concentrated on female viewers. Conduct your own study into what men enjoy about soap operas, interviewing in depth at least 6 regular male viewers. (Assignment Reading List)