Excerpt from: The New York Times - 4 July 1999

Title: What They Say About Stanley Kubrick

Jan Harlan (producer; Kubrick's brother-in-law; production assistant on "A Clockwork Orange;" executive producer on all Kubrick films since "Barry Lyndon")

He felt very misunderstood about "Clockwork Orange," very insulted.

.... On our pictures, we spent in a week what big movies spend in a day. That's why we could afford to have almost a year of shooting. We had a very small crew.

.... We very often came home at night and had a sandwich in the kitchen and then went to bed. There was nothing else left.

....He actually didn't leave his house ever unless he had to. When he was working in his office and he could see [Christiane] outside painting somewhere in the distance -- that's what he liked.

....Luckily we got permission from the local authorities to have his grave in his garden. In Hertfordshire it was only the second time -- the first was Bernard Shaw.