Excerpt from: The New York Times - 4 July 1999

Title: What They Say About Stanley Kubrick

Paul Mazursky (director; actor in "Fear and Desire")

He just had so much determination, and so much of a desire to get what he wanted -- I'd never seen anything like it. The money his uncle had invested [in "Fear and Desire"] ran out, so Kubrick drove down from where we were shooting in the San Gabriel Mountains to see his Uncle Martin, with Frank Silvera and me in the back. He needed another $5,000 to finish the film, and he says, "I'm gonna get the money from him no matter what -- I can tell you that right now." And he spat at the windshield from inside the car. I'll never forget that. He got the money.

He had to do everything, all the lighting, the camera work, the editing. He didn't know how to talk to actors -- not really. He just had a thing in his head.

A few years ago, at a film festival, John Boorman was going to introduce "Fear and Desire," and Stanley got a hold of Boorman and said, "Please don't, I don't like that movie, I hate it."