Market Segmentation

The following key categories form the basis for segmenting the market for a product.

Geographic: Region; City Size; Population Density; Climate
Demographic: Age; Sex/Gender; Income; Education; Occupation
Psychological: Needs-motivation; Personality; Cognitive Style; Attitudes
Psychographic (lifestyle): Values; Purchasing Behaviour
Sociocultural: Cultures; Religion; Subcultures; Social class; Role
Use-Related: Usage rate; Product Awareness; Brand Loyalty
Situational: Time; Purpose; Location
Product Benefit: Convenience; Durability; Economy; Value for Money

Advertisements address particular audiences and the nature of the 'ideal reader' can be discerned from the text itself (using the word 'text' to refer to the form and content of an ad in any medium). In semiotic terms, segmentation requires a specific mode of address. What clues do web-based ads offer to who their primary audience is intended to be?

Note that there are additional webpages for segmentation by Age and by Sex and Gender. There are also selected audience figures for newspapers, general magazines, women's magazines and television.

Suggested Reading

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